Why we have to Defend Palestine?

Hello World!


In this post i would like to inform you what i have got from a lesson in Pondok Indah Mosque, South Jakarta.

4 days ago, i have been invited by my friend to attended the oration of humanity to save Palestine with theme “United Indonesia, Defend Palestine” in Pondok Indah Mosque. There are several prodigious speakers from Indonesia such as Ust. Felix Siauw, Ust. Bachtiar Nasir, Ust. Abdullah Gymnastiar, Ustadzah Oki Setiana Dewi, and another great speaker.

We might know what was happened with Palestine right now. Recently, President of the United States, Mr. Trump has stated “Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.” -source : Whitehouse.gov

As a muslim, it is my and our obligation to defend fellow muslim who is in trouble. Some people might think “well, that tragedy is not happening in my country, so just let it go, the time will cure and the war will over.” or “yeah i know that news, but i don’t really matter to it”.

Well, sisters and brothers,

This war maybe not happening in our country, but can you imagine if that war happened in our country and no one’s care?  For me, as a muslim, we have a relationship connection between the other muslims so whenever some muslim has fall down, the other muslims helped them to get up. I think this simple principe is not only applied among muslims, but also must be applied in our society as a human.

Here it is i will give you some reason why we have to defend Palestine :

  1. Muslims in all over the world, are brothers in faith (iman)
  2. Eliminate the violence is a mandatory 

Rasulullah said : “Whoever of you sees a viciousness, then change it by his hand / power, if not able with that, then change with his verbal and if it can not then with his heart and that is such a weak of faith” (HR.Muslim :70)

Rasulullah bersabda: “Barang siapa di antara kalian melihat kemungkaran, maka ubahlah dengan tangan/kekuasaannya , jika tidak mampu maka dengan lisannya dan bila tidak bisa maka dengan hatinya dan yang demikian adalah (indikasi) selemah-lemahnya iman” (HR. Muslim no:70)

  3. Al-Aqsa is a region that has blessing from Allah, was built by the prophets, and a region which has the same position with Masjidil Haram (Al-Haram Mosque) as a place for praying only to Allah

      4. Syam is a place where the prophets are. The prophet Ibrahim ‘Alayhi Salam (AS), Luth AS, Ya’qub AS, Musa AS, Isa AS, etc.

     5. Malaa’ikah (Angels) spread their wings for Syam’s resident.
Dari Zaid bin Tsabit, ia berkata : Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :
“Keberuntungan bagi penduduk Syam,” maka kami bertanya : “Karena apa, wahai Rasulullah?” Beliau menjawab,”Karena para malaikat membentangkan sayap-sayapnya kepada mereka (penduduk Syam)”. (HR. Tirmidzi)

    6. The light of faith shine from Syam when slander is rampant / Cahaya Iman Memancar Dari Syam Saat Fitnah Berkecamuk.

Dari ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr, ia berkata : Rasulullah bersabda :
“Sesungguhnya saya melihat seakan-akan tonggak al Kitab telah tercabut dari bawah bantalku. Maka, aku mengikutinya dengan pandanganku. Tiba-tiba terdapat cahaya terang-benderang yang mengarah menuju Syam. Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya iman, apabila telah terjadi beragam fitnah, berada di Syam”. [Shahihut-Targhib wat-Tarhib, no. 3092].

  7. Israel has killed many muslim lives and other Palestinians. 

“Ya Allah, please return the Masjidil Aqsha (Al-Aqsha Mosque) to the muslims hand..”

I know this post will not only read by the Indonesians or the muslims, but also the world.

Therefore, i want to persuade all people from all over the world to defend Palestine together with all kind of ways that you can do, either to take action or give du’a. It’s not only about our religion, but it is also about human rights.

Especially to Indonesian people, tomorrow insyaAllah there will be a demonstration to giving our rejection about Mr.Trump’s statement in Monas, Jakarta. If you want to join, please kindly dress well and wearing a white outfit.

Due to the lack of my knowledge, i am really sorry if i have any mistakes in this post, May Allah bless you all.


Thankyou for reading.


Alia Mutia M

source :




Published by White Daisy

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